Friday, August 24, 2007

It's caterpillar season here in Bobo!

Since it is Claire’s last night in Bobo before returning to Canada it is time to celebrate! Claire bought a couple of roasted chickens and some wine for the family and the family bought caterpillars!!! We celebrated her departure, my arrival and friendship. Now the caterpillars are about the length of your index finger, they are black with a little green on them. I’ve seen them for sale in the market in big piles, but now I had them on my plate! Luckily the caterpillars were cut up and put into a sauce, so they looked a like more appetizing then they do in the market. Still it is a psychological block that I had to get past in order to eat them! When you bite into a caterpillar the skin is a little tough and chewy and the inside squishes out in a paste like consistency. The inside is mushy and has a strong taste that I don’t think I can describe as anything other than the taste of caterpillar. I can say that it is not my favourite thing, but it is not as bad as imagined!


Morrie Neiss said...

goodness!- you are braver than I.
caterpillers! egads

The Hayes Family said...

bonjour mlle

Caterpillers? est ce que sais actually bonne?
Miss you