Thursday, October 18, 2007

The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the…

It seems to me that bugs work in cycles here. One week we are overrun with cockroaches, the next flies, then acid spewing bugs and now two new things have crawled out from where they were hiding! It is like mini storms of multi legged armies that come in an overabundance then dwindle off for a while before reemerging in force. It is not that we are ever fully free of any critter, but less of one kind replaced by more of another.

Our newest companions (if you can call them that) are these weird big bummed flying ant things. They are not too bright and make a lot of noise when they fly. They seem to fly into walls and then spin around on the floor for a while till they reorient themselves and start to fly again. Then there is the not so nice creature that I wish would crawl back into wherever it came from. Last night I met a scorpion, he was only an inch from my shoulder on the wall behind my chair. It wasn't a pleasant encounter and it ended baldly for him. Killed by a shoe! Okay I have to confess that this scorpion was the size of a dime, but none the less it had little pincers, a pointy tail. Now usually when there is a little guy there is also a much bigger mother somewhere!

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