Monday, November 19, 2007

a strange little problem(s)

Presently I have a guinea fowl hiding under my kitchen table! If you have never seen a guinea fowl picture a rugby ball that is black with white speckles and then a long skinny neck with a weird little head of wrinkly grey skin and a bump that protrudes on top, now add two scrawny legs that don’t look like the could hold up the body. Currently this strange looking bird to peering at me from the shadows under the table. She sits silently hoping that the big mean giants will disappear and she can make for her escape, the only problem is her legs are tied together and someone pulled out a bunch of her wing feathers so she can’t fly. This is where the problem arises; the guinea fowl wants to live and Alanna doesn’t want to kill it. I’m actually quite ready to build her a little home, untie her feet and let her live happily ever after, but this is not the intent of why I find I have a bird under my table. Boris was presented the poor traumatized bird while in a village with work. The intent of the village was that she be eaten for dinner. My colleagues at work find it extremely funny that I am squeamish about decapitating the bird and are quite willing to take it home and put her in a pot! So looking eye to eye this bird and I are watching each other trying to figure out what to do!

The problem is now twofold! There is a guinea fowl under the table and a scorpion in the bedroom. So I have shut the door and am secretly hoping that the bird will get ride of the bug! However, I am quite aware that upon opening the door neither problem will be solved; no bird in a pot and no squished insect. Luckily we have friends that have no problem killing scorpions or birds! The 4 inch bug was flattened by a shoe and the bird met her end with a knife. I do have to say that she did taste good though I did feel guilty watching her demise.

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