Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our house becomes a farm

In the last little while our house has transformed into a mini farm. It all started with the goat and then the family acquired a few pigeons and finally some friends brought me a chicken and a rooster. The chicken is doing wonderfully, and the rooster tasted good. Unfortunately for the rooster after it screamed all night, starting at 3 am, it met its untimely end in a pot. Morning is not till 6am so if he could have waited he would still be here! We then left for Ouaga and upon our return found the family had acquired 1 chicken and 1 young rooster (he is still not in his wake up mode yet and if he knows what is good for him he’ll start at 6am!). Now yesterday after much fussing from our chicken we found that she laid 3 eggs and looks like she might be about to lay some more. We toyed with the idea of an omelet, but have decided instead to wait it out and see if they hatch. More chickens=more potential omelets!

Also against popular belief and now much into disbelief from Africans we have a semi trained goat! Everyone here said goats are stubborn (very true) and cannot be tamed. They say they will never follow you or come when you call and they will definitely never listen to you. Well then we must have a confused goat! She follows me everywhere. I took her outside the other day to try to train her to go out and come back, but she stayed beside me the whole time, when I went across the street to talk to a neighbour she charged after me to find out where I was going. Around the courtyard she follows me every where, even to the shower and cries when I close the door and won't let her in. If she is wandering around the courtyard and I call her she comes galloping to me. It's true she still gets into things she is not supposed to and tries to get away with it when I am not looking, but she eats out of our hands and will walk along beside me on her two hind legs till she looses balance and falls over. She cries when I go to work, and gets excited when I come home. She loves to be scratched behind the ears and horns. She runs around the courtyard in circles doing flying leaps when she is excited. In other words we have a goat that thinks she is a dog!

So our little house has become quite the menagerie and there is never a dull moment.

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